Seems like I'm posting about once a month now. Hmmm.... maybe I'll try to squeeze one more in this week, just to do something different. Haha!
I'm going to post some pictures from last month, try to catch up a bit, though I have pictures from August to post sometime.
On September 16th, E learned to roll over on her belly. She rolled over and pulled her head up right away. She was so proud of herself, and must've rolled over hundreds of times and loved for us to put her on her back so she could quite flip over. Here she is, so proud, our little smiley girl! Was so funny to watch as she kicked her little legs so hard, she does that when she's very happy and excited.
A little more about E. I also tried her out on cereal last month. She wasn't too excited at first, and then decided it was pretty good after all. She hasn't been eating much cereal though lately, she hasn't gotten past the tongue pushing everything out yet. So a little early to worry about having to have solids. I love this funny face!
J joined boy scouts! And here he is. He sold over $1,000 worth of popcorn, and had a great time doing so. He was quite the little door-to-door salesman and we walked and rode our bikes all over the neighborhood selling popcorn and emailing relatives. He learned a lot about how to sell and how to talk to people. Here's a quick pic of him ready to head out the door to sell popcorn.
Here he is at a local Wal-Mart selling with other boys too:
L also enjoys going to the scout meeting. They call younger siblings "Little Buddy" and he is able to join in on their activities most of the time. Here he is making a bird feeder with a pinecone, peanut butter and bird seed.
Have a good week, and hopefully you'll hear from me again before the week is over!!