Monday, November 8, 2010


Yep. First snow of the year. Got more than an inch too. We're just above 5,000 feet. When I got to work (4400+ feet) there was no snow at all in town. Very pretty at home, but the green will be fading from our yard. Our apple tree was such a bright brilliant shade of yellow this year. The prettiest I can remember seeing it, maybe because it is just getting so tall and it didn't have apples this year (seems to fruit every other) to suck its energy.

The kids and I drove to Camino, (California) yesterday to pick up apples from Apple Hill. We usually get 7-9 bushels, but not as many fit in the trunk of the Inifiti as does the old Camry (and we have the Mega Warrior Basket on th roof rack on the Camry). I also felt safer driving out of Reno in the Infiniti with the kiddos in it, it has less miles. So we came home with 4 bushels. It was as productive as I had hoped. We did have a lot of fun, but the apple selection this year was picked over and fairly poor. We had hoped to bring a box of Pink Lady apples back for Grammy Cher because they are her favorite, but we honestly could not find enough to make a pretty box. The Pink Lady apples were bruised, cut, shriveled and had a lot of growths (frost bites I think they said). And the kids and I made many, many stops to try to find them. We even hoped to cheat and left the orchards and went to the Safeway in town! But guess what? No Pink Lady apples. I did ask and they suggested that the crop wasn't good enough to sell to stores, but okay enough to sell to folks willing to come and get them.

Oh well, it was fun though. We always have to stop at Kids, Inc. to get a walkin' pie! We have to, whether or not anyone else in the car wants one - I DO! I love those personal pies that are big enough for two, and even better ala mode, but I can't seem to make 'em like theirs. I am going to figure it out. I guess I do know how, I have watched them in their kitchen, but my chopped apples inside never turn out as tender as theirs. I'll see if I can find a picture from a previous year for you. I can't find one from the Apple Hill website, which is linked here for you to check out. Darn, I found a picture in my stash from last year, but blogger isn't letting me post any pictures tonight. I'll add it to my list of pics to add... Anyway, the walkin' pie is made with very finely chopped apples without their peel and then smooshed tightly into a large ball, wrapped in a flaky pie crust and baked. It stays round and when you order it, they use a ladle to smoosh the top open and add some of their apple pie syrup and/or ice cream. It's sooooo good. I don't have to eat anything else all day :0)

DH had lot of studying to do for a test in his class tomorrow afternoon. He hung out at home to get work done. This also left us with more room in the car as I was able to stash Sister's stroller in the front seat and leave more room for apple boxes in the trunk :0) But we missed him!

Okay, have to gather kiddos and see what we need to get finished for the evening. I also have bushels of apples waiting for me to process to make apple sauce, apple gook (kiddo word for apple juice), dried apples, and whatnot. How about apple pie, apple fritters, apple turnovers, apple cake, apple muffins, apple pancakes, apple waffles, apple tea... Do I sound like Bubba Gump?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October in a blink

Seems like I'm posting about once a month now. Hmmm.... maybe I'll try to squeeze one more in this week, just to do something different. Haha!

I'm going to post some pictures from last month, try to catch up a bit, though I have pictures from August to post sometime.

On September 16th, E learned to roll over on her belly. She rolled over and pulled her head up right away. She was so proud of herself, and must've rolled over hundreds of times and loved for us to put her on her back so she could quite flip over. Here she is, so proud, our little smiley girl! Was so funny to watch as she kicked her little legs so hard, she does that when she's very happy and excited.
A little more about E. I also tried her out on cereal last month. She wasn't too excited at first, and then decided it was pretty good after all. She hasn't been eating much cereal though lately, she hasn't gotten past the tongue pushing everything out yet. So a little early to worry about having to have solids. I love this funny face!

J joined boy scouts! And here he is. He sold over $1,000 worth of popcorn, and had a great time doing so. He was quite the little door-to-door salesman and we walked and rode our bikes all over the neighborhood selling popcorn and emailing relatives. He learned a lot about how to sell and how to talk to people. Here's a quick pic of him ready to head out the door to sell popcorn.
Here he is at a local Wal-Mart selling with other boys too:

L also enjoys going to the scout meeting. They call younger siblings "Little Buddy" and he is able to join in on their activities most of the time. Here he is making a bird feeder with a pinecone, peanut butter and bird seed.

Have a good week, and hopefully you'll hear from me again before the week is over!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last day of September!!

Wow, my life is passing before my eyes! How did it get to be the end of September?? We've done so much, and yet, seems like yesterday that Sister was born. I figured that I couldn't let September go by without posting anything, so I'm trying to get kids in bed and spend a few brief moments here...

What happened this month?

1. J turned 8 on 9/4
2. Our family had the flu the week and weekend of J's b-day
3. We saw the Great Reno Hot Air Balloon Races on 9/11
4. My little/big brother had a bday on 9/14 (won't give his age, it'll make ME look old!!)
5. My brother and sister-in-law shared their 4 yr wedding anniversary on 9/24
6. J joined boy scouts and is a Bear Scout
7. L became a Little Buddy in Boy Scouts
8. Little Sister learned to roll over from back to belly and sitting up on arms this last week. If I 9. have counted correctly, she is 18 wks
10. Little Sister also went from the sling to sitting in a baby seat in the Chariot bike trailer
11. School started for J and L (homeschool)
12. DH taking a psych class at UNR
13. We are down to 5 chicks after the skunk make a return visit
14. J is selling popcorn popcorn for scouts and he has to sell $475!! Or we have to come up with the rest!! WANT TO BUY SOME? PLEASE??
15. 9/25 All 34 kiddos and I volunteered for the river clean up in Reno. With Sister in the Backpack carrier, we cleaned up trash, pulled weeds and had fun!
16. Sister is teething and chewing on EVERYTHING, including her feet
17. I've messed up my low back again and can't sleep for the pain. Have a chiro appt with the miracle lady, Dr Dublin on Monday, late afternoon/evening.
18. Adding 18 just because I know I'm forgetting something. It's been busy, eh?

How about you? Staying busy, too?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

iron-on crayons

I have soooooo much bloggin' to catch up on. But here's a bit from our day today. After work the boys and their friend, A, made their own iron-ons to put on t-shirts. They had a blast!! A was so proud of herself that I thought she might pop. She ran across the street 3 times to show her dad her t-shirt. Aren't they a cute bunch? A has Hello Kitty, J has a flying dragon, L has Spongebob and his pet snail Gary.

My mom gave me several boxes of these crayons a few years ago and we still pull them out and use them (thank you, Mom!). This is the first time A has tried them and she said she would go home and dream all night about her next design. The kids drew/traced their pictures and colored them with the special crayons and then we simply ironed them onto their shirts. Very easy. Very proud little creators.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Hey there!

We disappeared for a while, huh? DH decided that we were able to swing a quick trip back to visit my family in Oklahoma and Missouri. It was totally spur of the moment. DH decided it on Thursday the 5th and we packed up that night and left. Always easier to start out a trip at dark when the kids sleep and we can put many miles behind us before they start asking "when will we be there?" We had a wonderful time visiting and introducing Little Sister. I wish we could have stayed much longer, but I started back to work yesterday. We drove back there, a bit under 2,000 miles each way. The kids were good in the car, and little E is quite the traveling baby. She was great and loved sitting in the middle with her two brothers on each side. She smiled and cooed and laughed and slept. J continued reading on his "Unfortunate Events" series and L chatted and played with dinosaurs and cars. We made many stops along the way there and back to stretch our legs, eat (no eating in the car!! doing our best to keep it clean), and let the boys run. My favorite state to drive through is Utah. I absolutely love rocks and Utah has a lot of them!! I love to see the buttes and wind and water swept dry canyons. Just beautiful! The pictures above are of the boys at a stop along an exit from the highway in UT. They needed that run! I'll have more to post about our trip, but wanted to say hello before going to bed tonight.

I have many more pictures to share too.

I returned to work yesterday. It went well, and it was really great to see all my friends and co-workers. I had trouble remembering passwords, I have a bunch in my job doing payroll and reports. The trouble was that many changed just before my leave and I couldn't remember what I changed them to. And several cannot be the same as another, so again, I have a lot to remember. I was able to get them reset or remembered and the day went by pretty well. I did miss my family, but I emailed pictures to my work email to put on my computer so I could see my kiddos throughout the day. DH was home with the kiddos for the first time by himself. He took them all to church too! He said it all went great. Sister was a bit fussy and I think she missed me :0)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Long time no chat! Sorry about that, has been really busy around here. Just before we left for camping, I made an enclosure for our chicks and mama hen. We didn't leave until the next day after we had planned. Too afraid that the skunk would return for another chicken dinner, so we stayed home an extra day to build the enclosure. It's not pretty, but it's sturdy with a double leayer that little skunk hands cannot reach through. DH made an extra sturdy plywood top and an extra heavy door. So far, we still have all 8 remaining chickies and a happy mama hen!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our trip. I'll post more, but this is a start. We drove up to Seattle to see DH's sister. Hi, Kelsie! She recently moved back up there has a great place. We also visited REI up there, I HAD to! It's a two-story HUGE REI store. We all loved it. They have a great restaurant where we ate Thai, there's a climbing rock in a separate building area, and you can see that the boys loved that! J was just awesome, in the literal meaning of the word, not just slang. When I asked how far he thought he might try to climb, he told me he would go to the top. And that he did and rang the bell. Shocked the belayer below, the guy that helped him into his climbing harness and holds the ropes. The rock is 65 feet high... that's like 6 and a half stories tall!! It was so tall that I could not get the whole thing in a picture! He scurried up so fast that it was hard to get a picture of him. My sweet little L climbed too, but only a little ways up, and I was proud of him too for giving it a try.

Below is a picture along the Oregon coast. Was so pretty! Little E was a good baby as usual on the trip and slept well in the the tent. We saw a lot of beautiful ocean and mountains. DH fixed our dinner and breakfast on the cobb grill, gotta love that thing!

Talk more later. Sending you hugs. Have a good night from the 5 of us

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Church, book group, and tadpoles

Hi there!

We went to church on Sunday. During the summer, they do not offer Children's Church (Sunday School), so we don't always go. Too many families traveling during the summer and not enough kids to make a class at each level. The boys were good though, they listened to the sermon and colored in their books that the church provides for the kids that attend in the summer and sit with their parents. Little E wore a dress that my mom sent, and she was a living doll. Yes, I am a proud mama. All 3 kiddos were so good and didn't cause trouble or make noise. Wow, wish it were like that all the time!!

The boys' tadpoles are growing legs. Picked up $5 critter container thingy at Wal-Mart and added a plastic plant and rocks. Looks better than the big glass flower vase they were in!

J had book club again today. They discussed books 5-8. Had a blast. L played with the toys that were there. He and I also played dominoes and Connect Four while Sister slept and J and other kids discussed their books. Haven't played Connect Four in a billion years! L didn't quite understand that he was to keep me from getting 4 in a row, but he had a great time getting 4 across and up-n-down.

We are down to 8 chicks... Decided that a skunk was climbing the chain link dog kennel and stole 3. *insert big frustrated sad sigh here* The spotted skunk is known for climbing chain link, stealing eggs and chicks. The smell was strong last night. Locked up chicks and mama hen in a way that we hope they can't be stolen.

We are going camping, leaving soon. I'll post pictures over the weekend.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

He calls it his castle...

DH knows how badly I want a Kingdom tent from REI. A nice tent with height to stand in it, and a separate room that can be closed off. We have several great tents from our years of camping, but our family has grown since we met 10 years ago (golly, it's been that long!) and we do not have a tent we can stand up in. DH doesn't think that is necessary, but he did try to accommodate my wishes for more space:

It's not the Kingdom, but it did make for more space when he put two of our tents close together and covered the middle with a rainfly. It makes a small tunnel that links our tents together so that the boys are still "with us" and yet have their own "room." He calls it his castle, and you have to smile about that! All 5 of us camped in the front yard last night and it was fun. The boys have asked to camp out there again tonight, so when I finish this post and finish with the laundry, we'll head out there again.

Tuesday evening the kids and I went for a few mile hike at Rancho San Rafael Park. We hiked the trails through the Labyrinth and around the two ponds, waterfall and playgrounds. It was a nice evening, with a good breeze after a hot day. J has completed many mountain and flat hikes with me, the longest being 11 miles when he was 5. L is more of a sprinter (though at 3.5 he snowshoed this winter with us for 3 miles), but he did well on our hike, but definitely had more fun searching the ponds for tadpoles and minnows with his big brother. I brought the boys' nets and a gallon jug for collecting critters. The trails are all smooth enough for E's little stroller. On previous hikes I've carried her in the Baby Bjorn front carrier, but I thought it might get tricky if I had to fish the boys from a pond :0) Here are a few pics from our hike:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What a surprise this morning!!

DH woke before I did, went outside to take care of the animals, and this is what he saw! He ran back inside and woke me (seriously scared me) to come out and see. One of our Auricanas hatched 12 chicks! We had no idea she was sitting on eggs under the back deck. We knew we had 2 hens sitting in the hen house, but had no idea this one was out of the chicken yard and hiding her eggs from everyone. 12 chicks, wow! Aren't they adorable? Looks like we'll have some colored like their Mama and 4 or so that are white with the dark pattern like their dad (not the best rooster we could have, he's pretty timid, but he's also really pretty). Hope we have some hens, ha ha. Wouldn't it be awful to have all roosters?? Hope we have all colors of eggs since they are pure, unlike the Buff Orpington that is sitting on eggs. If or when she hatches any, they will be half Auricana.

The boys were such good helpers today and earned themselves a popsicle. They helped me clean out the dog kennel and work to secure it along the bottom with chick wire, and put the chicks and their mama in it. We had to. Sadly, we lost a chick when it got too close to the chicken pen and a cannibalistic chicken pulled it in and killed it. Poor J was nearly beside himself seeing it happen. There wasn't anything he could've done to save it. I took it away from the chickens and held the poor little chickie until it died. So sad, the sweet baby was so soft and so tiny. I guess it was a good lesson for our boys about nature. I explained that we'll most likely lose more too. 11 chicks is a big number for the mama to look out for, care for, and keep warm at night. We'll see how it goes. So far, the mama is really good with them, but she wasn't able to keep that little one away from the chicken yard fence. Hope they stay in the dog kennel, it's their best chance to survive.

DH is like a little boy with the chickies. He's so excited about the chicken hatching her babies. And it was just too cute to see his excitement today :0)

A friend owns a bookstore, Grassroots Books and we love to visit. She's a homeschooling mom too, and has a lot of sales and specials. She had a special this evening, allowing folks to go through books that she was planning to have recycled. Wow! It was awesome! We have a car trunk load of books, all for free, and most are new. A lot of learning books for the kids, me and DH, and some reading books for fun too. I'm excited to have found a new boy scout handbook book for J. Hope to get him in a troop next fall.

Have to brag a little on E. She is such a sweet baby girl. I just melt each time she smiles. She smiles all the time too! She loves to have her belly tickled and her sweet pudgy cheekies and chin tickled too. She's been saying "nnng" and then smiling really big, like she's so pleased with herself for talking to us. We are so lucky to have her. I still can't believe she is here, ya know?

Well, that was our excitement for the day. It's been a long one. Good night.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where has the week gone??

What? It's Saturday already? I can't believe it. Seriously. What have we been up to this week?

We picked up two kitties at the Humane Society. We've been thinking about getting a cat off and on after ours passed away several years ago. I was so attached to Stripe Guy, so getting a new cat just wasn't something I wanted to think about. DH was too excited about another cat until recently. Getting a new cat actually became a necessity in the last few months. Having chickens and horses and living in the rural part of Reno calls the mice to us. We didn't have any trouble when we had cats before, but the mice started causing too many problems this summer (and nightmares for me). We set traps of different kinds, only to be foiled by those smart critters. Tried some poison pellets, but didn't work. Decided we'd try nature's way of doing things. The Human Society had a special, free feral/wild kitties and free older kitties. We picked up their only feral and she will be our outside cat to keep mice and squirrels out of the chicken yard. Our inside kitty is a real sweetheart and we lucked out. She is 6 years old, named Piper, is very loving and house broken. She is wonderful with the boys, leaves Little Sister alone, and stays out of my bedroom after a few squirts one night with a water bottle. When we brought her home, Piper immediately made herself comfy spread out on the floor asking for a belly rub. We've been in love with her since. Here she is, not the best background, but a good picture of Piper.

I do not have a picture of the feral kitty, and probably never will. The Humane Society said she'd do her job, but we'd likely never see her. She'll just be a behind the scenes member of our family. She is pretty though. A petite calico with a white belly and a round face. She reminds me a lot of my Grandma Marie's Miss Kitty from years ago. Her name right now is "Other Kitty." I know it's not very pretty, but it's stuck and she didn't come to us with a name the way Piper did.

The Humane Society has a brand new facility that is now 3 years old, and it is really a nice place to visit. I had been dreading going after visiting others in my past, but this was really squeaky clean and the folks working there were wonderful with the animals. We had many cats to choose from, and was able to visit with her in a "visiting room" all to ourselves. It was visiting with her out of her viewing cage that we were able to see how friendly and good-natured Piper is.

We received a box of goodies from my mom, my brother and his wife. The boys had a blast going through everything. The boys are picking out experiments from the science book from my mom. L wants to make edible crystals (from sugar, like rock candy). J has bookmarked about 2 dozen and can't narrow them down yet :0) My mom also sent a couple of items from when I was a baby, for little E. I'm hand washing them today. THANKS MOM, bro and SIL!

I made kabobs for dinner using our Cobb grill outside. They were so good! Haven't had them in years and years and years (at least not fixed by me). Pineapple chunks, chicken, green and orange bell peppers, and onion. I added my favorite seasoning in all the world: Garli Garni. Gosh that stuff is good. I don't usually like a lot of garlic, but I'm certain I could mix this seasoning with water and drink it in a wine goblet!

Not a very exciting week, but that's okay. J is doing great learning fractions and remembering them. L still working on his writing, and Sweet Little E, smiling and melting everyone's heart. DH working hard and working on several home projects (in case you wonder, DH stands for darling husband). A good week.

Monday, July 12, 2010

We had planned to go camping, taking E out for her first tent camp experience, and the little guys have been begging to go. Why didn't we? We packed up the car on Saturday morning and headed out to Markleeville because the elevation there is similar to home, so the mountain temperatures at night wouldn't be too chilly for E. And the best part? The GROVER HOT SPRINGS! We love to swim in the hot springs. Well... it turns out that since I'm not on maternity leave and not at the store, I have been out of the loop on remembering the bike races and I forgot all about the Death Ride. There were bikes everywhere and cars everywhere and people everywhere - all along the road just before Turtle Rock where we planned to camp. The bike registration actually took place at the campground. Camp grounds for miles and miles were all full due to the race. Darn, we said. What to do? We decided that we had already driven all the way this far, why not go to the coast and see the ocean, it's been a while. We headed out for Santa Cruz, CA.

I know, you're wondering what the death ride is. It's awesome and I wish I had the time and strength to train for it. "Ending at Turtle Rock Park just north of Markleeville, California, the five pass ride includes 129 miles and 15,000+ feet of lung busting climbing." That's taken from their website. The most I've ridden is 60 miles, along the hills in Sacramento last year. Not quite half of 129 miles, but I did pull the Chariot trailer on my bike with both boys in it and our gear, all estimated at 100+ lbs. Maybe someday I will do it, who knows?

Aren't these boys cute?

Gotta love the look on L's face. They loved visiting the ocean. L was a little more cautious, staying at the edge. J would have tried surfing the waves if I had given the okay. DH started a fire in a fire pit he found still smoking and set about making our breakfast early in the morning. It was chilly and cloudy early on. I love the pictures of him holding E. He looks like my handsome hobo sitting there, and like someone photoshopped E onto his lap. All that pink fluff looks out of place...

The waves were great and the small lighthouse was rustic and pretty.
After the beach, we went to The Boardwalk. I've not been there before. DH has happy childhood memories of going there. Lots of rides and food at the amusement park on the beach. Expensive, but at least admission is free. Boys were given option of riding one ride each there choice. J chose the Haunted Mansion and L chose the helicopter ride.

OK, need to go. L pushed some keys on the compute and now the computer screen/desktop is all wonky and we can't figure out how to put things back the way they were. Love my kiddos.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Last midwife appointment

Yesterday, July 7th was my mom's birthday (Happy Birthday again, Mom!). It was also our last appointment with our midwife for E. Diane's midwifery service is called Sierra Midwifery. She assisted us at all three home waterbirths with our kiddos. She's such a great person, we'll miss seeing her all the time. We have mutual friends and common interests and hobbies, so we see her out and about from time to time.

At birth, E was 20.75 inches long and weighed 7 lbs 14 oz. At this appointment she was 23 inches and 9 lbs 6 oz. She's growing and gaining weight, all good stuff. It was also Ella's 7th week birthday. Just 5 more weeks of maternity leave.

Need to take new pictures of E and get them posted.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I want the baby weight to just fall off

Let's compare pictures...
The first picture was taken on September 5th of '09. DH and I took the boys on a hike (I know I'm a prejudice mom, but aren't they handsome?). I was about a month pregnant here. Didn't know yet. Was carrying L in the backpack carrier.

Skip ahead many months to the next picture of me. *sigh* This was taken on May 16th of '10, three days before E was born.

I have lost some of my pregnancy weight, but I still have a little more to go, and more time needed to get in shape again. I have to realize I gave birth just 7 weeks ago, but still I want to look like that first picture again - RIGHT NOW. If nothing else, I want to fit in my old clothes. I don't really fit into anything right now. My maternity clothes are too big, but I'm still wearing some of the tanks and T's and some of the low cut belly band shorts. On a positive note, I walked 4 miles again tonight. But to show you how I wasn't thinking, I ran out the door to library storytime with E and L in the Chariot trailer/stroller and J on his bike, and me in my flippers! I had blisters by the time we got back after that 4 mile walk. As we left, I didn't have time to unlock the house and go back in for my hiking or walking shoes. But really, just stubborn is the reason.

Some of my family wanted to see what I looked like pregnant, well, there I am! Just after a bath too, so my hair was a little scarier than usual - haha!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Had a Babies "R" Us coupon for 20% off. DH went to office to work for a few hours. Day after a holiday so he didn't have to go in, but he was able to do some catch up work. I took boys to Grocery Outlet (had another good coupon!) and Babies "R" Us to get a few necessities. I picked up more compostable diaper inserts for E's gdiapers. I love these cloth diapers! Check them out. My link is to They fit great and have only leaked once, and it was a doozie that no diaper could've held in! Anyway, love that we can compost the inserts, and I can save up and get the washable inserts too one of these days. Maybe even make some. We've not had the best of luck with cloth diapers in the past when the boys were babies. Skinny legs ALWAYS made them leak, and I seem to produce skinny-legged babies (but cute babies!). E is not a fat baby, and the diapers still fit her wonderfully. I did learn that I was putting them on backwards. Hmmm... maybe that's the secret to preventing leaks. They are also super-cute in all sorts of colors.

Came home and watched a Redbox movie with the boys: "Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs". Was really a cute animated movie. J still loves dinos. L likes them too, but mostly because his big brother does. It's not a passion like it is for J. And today was a day for coupons. Had a free movie coupon. Comes out once a month for free when you sign up for texts on your cell phone from their website. Have used their coupons for nearly a year and haven't had any phony calls or anything.

Need to get some sleep. Getting late. House is quiet with everyone sleeping.

Today, July 5th would've been his 36th birthday. Happy Birthday, Jim.

A great 4th of July

We had a great 4th of July. We went to the lake and visited with DH's parents. J learned to drive F-in-L's small tractor and he looked so grown up sitting on it and concentrating on doing a good job driving around the driveway. L wasn't so keen on driving it with Gramps' help, he didn't want to steer it. I remember sitting with my Grandpa Garman and begging to steer his riding lawn mower around the pasture and backyard in Kansas. It was so much fun.

We went to the lake and the little guys played in the sand and water. J loves to be in the water no matter how cold the water is. L would rather play in the sand and float toys at the edge. A bit more cautious than his big brother. E stayed in the shade with me. I had an allergic reaction to the sunblock I used on Wednesday and I'm trying to stay out of the sun. Everywhere I put the sunblock (upper back, neck, shoulders, throat) is itchy with tiny little bumps. I feel like a crocodile and try to keep it covered. Ugh. Thank goodness I used a moisturizer with SPF already in it and didn't put it on my face. I have this allergic reaction to some moisturizers and chapsticks. Have to be careful about some of the chemicals. I thought this one was safe, it was for kids and and said hypoallergenic. I didn't buy the natural petroleum free though like I usually do, it's so expensive. Won't skimp next time. Glad boys didn't have a reaction to it. I slathered them with it last Wednesday.

Watched fireworks with the family and the boys LOVED it. E slept through it. I'm terrible with directions, so can't say just where we were. I'll edit again once I ask DH, but poor guy fell asleep. It's nearly midnight here. boys sat on a rooftop with Grammy and Gramps and DH, E, and I sat just behind. A beautiful fireworks show.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese

We went to the birthday party of a new friend today. His name is Jaxon and he and his two brothers and his little sister are great kids. J and L love them all and we've had fun meeting them at the park, lunch at Wendy's, and at a local nature trail. Their Mom is a great lady too, and we will miss them as they are moving soon. Hope to keep in touch with them via their Mom's blog. And guess what? I actually got started on this blog at this site because of her suggestion. Thanks, Alicia!

I haven't been to Chuck E. Cheese's (sp?) in a long time. It was fun! The boys had a blast playing with the kids and the games, and Little Sister E slept the time away in her car seat/stroller. She was such a good girl sleeping through all that noise!

In other family news...
We have two chicken that have taken to sitting on eggs. They have more than a dozen under them between the two of them. Not sure that all the eggs are fertile, but DH has "candled" the eggs with a flashlight and has seen evidence of growing chicks. The boys are so excited that they could burst! I hope some of the chicks make it. Would be so much fun to hatch our own chicks. One hen is an Auricana (or Easter-Egger) and the other is a Buff Orpington. Our rooster is also an Auricana. Very cool. Maybe all the chicks will be hens and lay colored eggs (insert wishful thinking here...). We get eggs in varying shades of green (mint to dark olive,) , light blue-green, browns, pinks and peaches. Haven't received many peach or pinkish eggs lately. I'm thinking they may be the hens we lost to stray (or unleashed) dogs and another to being egg-bound.

Walked 3.4 miles with the family tonight. E and L in the Chariot trailer/stroller and J on his bike. DH and I walked. Strolled the neighborhood hills. Nice evening to be out walking. Trying to do it more often to get back in shape after Little Sister's arrival, and DH wants to get back in shape after his "pregnancy" gain too .

Oh and I learned how to add pictures today. However, I'm not on the computer that has my pictures. Eventually I'll get it all together and get pictures posted here regularly of the kids' activities and such.

That's about it for now. Getting tired and need to finish the laundry before bed. Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Wishing you all the best for a good day.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who and what is an Arinka?

Just a quick note again today. Arinka is my name (minus the extra "n") in Pig Latin. I've used it off and on as a user name on various sites. Like an alias more than a nickname. I liked the way it sounded in the title. Why tinkerings? describes tinkering as a verb and the following: "to busy oneself with a thing without useful results." Ha! Ever have days like that? Me too. So it made sense to add it, and yep, it rhymed. o busy oneself with a thing without useful results." Ha! Ever have days like that? Me too. So it made since to add it, and yep, it rhymed. o usy oneself with a thing without useful results." Ha! Ever have days like that? Me too. So it made since to add it, and yep, it rhymed. o busy oneself with a thing without useful results." Ha! Every have days like that? Me too. So it made since to add it, and yep, it rhymed. sy oneself with a thing without useful results." Ha! Every have days like that? Me too. So it made since to add it, and yep, it rhymed.

A hike, a picnic, and a lizard too


Yesterday was July 1st. Wow, already. How can time fly by so quickly? We need to decide what we want to do for the 4th. There are several fireworks shows in our area. We've talked about going to the lake with the kayak and playing at the beach. Have to decide pretty quick.

The boys and I trimmed bushes around our walkway while E slept. Well, I trimmed the bushes while the boys played with the garden hose. They watered literally everything except for my herb spiral that I asked them to water, and most of their watering was each other.

At 6pm last evening we met a couple other hikers and our whole family went for a short easy hike. E was in the front pack carrier (Baby Bjorn), and it was her first official hike. She's been on a few walks in the carrier, but this was our longest, almost 2 miles along the nature trail at the Basque Monument. We had a great time. DH took pictures and our two new friends from our meetup hiking group taught us about ballroom dancing and geocaching. They helped the little guys find 3 hidden treasures. How fun! We have a GPS and I'll have to register at so that we can do this too. It was so cool! The boys felt like secret treasure hunters and some of the caches were harder to find. I've looked into geocaching from time to time, but the boys are definitely old enough to try it out now.

Today the boys are having picnic in the front yard. I'm sitting here with Sister, helping her to fall asleep. I'll then join the boys for watermelon. Oh, they caught a huge skink (lizard) a few days ago. He's enjoying the picnic too. The boys say they are using their bananas to lure flies to catch for the lizard. What a yummy idea... not. LOL! But boy, you should see that lizrd dive after the moths they catch in the evenings.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Busy day yesterday

Happy Birthday to my niece! My brother and his wife had a cutie baby girl one year ago today. Happy Birthday to you!!

Today is also E's 6th week birthday. *sigh* My maternity leave is now half over. I have 6 weeks left. I better cherish all the time I have left with my kiddos. I love my job and we really need it for the great insurance, but I sure love my time with my kids.

Wednesdays are usually our library days and research days for learning. It's summertime and we took the day off. We joined several friends and went to the pool at the GSR. I've never been there in all the years that I've lived here. The kids had a wonderful time and J did not want to leave after 4 and a half hours. L had a good time too, but he preferred plating in the sand around the pool instead of the water. He's a bit shy and there were a lot of kids there. I stayed in the shade with E and watched the smaller kiddos of our friends while they swam. It was a good day, and J is getting better at swimming all the time.

After the water play, we came home and rested for a little while. That evening was to be my first hike with my hiking group after my pregnancy and birth of E. It was a 6 mile hike and it was great. We hiked Thomas Creek to Dry Pond to White's Creek Loop. The hike starts off moderate heading up the creek, then gets a little harder as it climbs to a clearing. Trail then descends into the Whites Creek canyon where we followed the Whites Creek Trail back to Timberline. Mileage is about 6+ miles and took about 3 hours hike time. We also took in an extra peak that added another 30 minutes to the hike, but we were marching ahead of our expected time and had the extra time to to do it. I had so much fun. There were 9 of us, and two were my former hiking buddies and I was so excited to see them. This has been the best group of people to get to know. If you haven't tried, you should, lots of great people and all kinds of activities and clubs/groups to join.

I was lucky that this was my mom's night out. My DH (darling husband) stayed with our 3 kiddos. His first time all by himself with all 3. He did great. I have been pumping extra milk for E, so he didn't have to panic when she was hungry.

Oh yeah, back to Tuesday... the book club was so fun! J had a great time discussing the first 4 books of the series they are reading. He was so nervous about going, but he really enjoyed it. At 7, he's definitely the youngest reader attending with the average being 12 years old, but I think it'll be good for him. It's being held in a small church and one of the classrooms had toys, so L played with legos and ate snacks with the bigger kids. He asked if we could go back again "tomorrow." L asks that when he has a really good time.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Two

Today is my second day as a blogger. Hmmm. I need to learn how to post pictures.

When I talk about my kiddos, I'll just use their first initial. J is my oldest son. L is my middle boy, and E is our newborn daughter. Still seems odd to think of L as a middle child.

J is reading like crazy. I woke up during the night last night to check on the kids like I do every night. It was after 2am and J was still up reading. Yikes! I had checked on him earlier and he admitted to turning off his brother's rechargeable Lego Man light when he heard me getting up. Sneaky. He loves to read like no other 7 yr old I know. I signed him up for his first book club. It starts today. They are reading the Lemony Snickett "Unfortunate Events" series of 13 books. He's really enjoying it. They had to read the first 4 books for today's meeting. Can't wait to see how it goes. There will be games and snacks too, so L won't get bored tagging along.

L can't stop kissing his new baby sister. I am quite sure that she knows she is loved. L makes sure of it. E is doing great and gaining weight. Next baby appointment is on 7/7 (my mom's bday!). E is sleeping quietly in her swing right now.

I need to go. L is begging me to play play-do with him outside on the grass. J is finishing up his reading for his club. He reads so quickly that I made him wait to start the books.

Chat with you later.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My first entry - I'm a blogger now!

Wow, I always said I'd start a blog, so guess better late than never, right?