We went to church on Sunday. During the summer, they do not offer Children's Church (Sunday School), so we don't always go. Too many families traveling during the summer and not enough kids to make a class at each level. The boys were good though, they listened to the sermon and colored in their books that the church provides for the kids that attend in the summer and sit with their parents. Little E wore a dress that my mom sent, and she was a living doll. Yes, I am a proud mama. All 3 kiddos were so good and didn't cause trouble or make noise. Wow, wish it were like that all the time!!
The boys' tadpoles are growing legs. Picked up $5 critter container thingy at Wal-Mart and added a plastic plant and rocks. Looks better than the big glass flower vase they were in!
J had book club again today. They discussed books 5-8. Had a blast. L played with the toys that were there. He and I also played dominoes and Connect Four while Sister slept and J and other kids discussed their books. Haven't played Connect Four in a billion years! L didn't quite understand that he was to keep me from getting 4 in a row, but he had a great time getting 4 across and up-n-down.
We are down to 8 chicks... Decided that a skunk was climbing the chain link dog kennel and stole 3. *insert big frustrated sad sigh here* The spotted skunk is known for climbing chain link, stealing eggs and chicks. The smell was strong last night. Locked up chicks and mama hen in a way that we hope they can't be stolen.
We are going camping, leaving soon. I'll post pictures over the weekend.
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